We've collected money from coworkers at the Library, and thanks to these kind donations, I was able to purchase many books at a great discount. Thanks to Gini, the nice cashier at my local Barnes & Noble.
Thank you SO MUCH for your donations! We're very excited to bring so many books with us. [We're only "required" to bring 1, each.] PROBIGUA provides books to more than 25 libraries in Guatemala. Thank you for helping bring new books to some of these libraries.
Here's a sample of what I bought: Click on the my library link to see all the books that we're bringing.
Dear Rad Chad and Guatemalan Crew,
Have Rad fun in Guatemala delivering books and other wonderful things!
We look forward to stories about your adventures.
Sincerely, Michael Girvin
Dear Rad Chad and Guatemalan Crew,
Have Rad fun in Guatemala delivering books and other wonderful things!
We look forward to stories about your adventures.
Sincerely, Michael Girvin
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